An Overview of SQL

Throughout his career as a management consultant, Timothy Valihora has acquired a wealth of experience in software development, information technology, and data warehousing. Timothy Valihora also possesses significant experience with Structured Query Language (SQL), a popular special-purpose programming language designed to manage data in relational database management systems.

Initially released by Oracle Corporation nearly 35 years ago, SQL helps users request information from databases in a highly efficient manner. In 1986, the American National Standards Institute established SQL as a standard query language. One year later, the International Organization for Standards followed suit. Since then, the two organizations have updated the standards with features and extensions.

For many years, SQL has served as the preferred query language for databases operating on mainframes and minicomputers. In recent years, PC database systems have begun to support SQL on distributed databases, which allow users on a local area network to use the database at the same time.